Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Weekend at Marty's!

Go check out Weekend at Marty's over at DVS right now! AZ was a great time and I'm stoked for Marty, upcoming Blueprint premier, and the next HD project!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Yes baines!

DAMN that's a good looking heelflip. Check out mark's leftovers here!!
Make friends with Marty comes tomorrow, and I'm siked to see it.
Blueprint premier april 30th at mass art. - bye!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Boston summers are looking nice.

Planets came in line after 64 hour work week.Full kit now boys.
"Bermission" never gets old, does it?
Why do the beach when you can do a basketball court?
Pelon re-grand opening.
Guapo, spicy mayo, guac salsa hot sauce and chips - can't deny the fiyah.
Kate popped her burrito cherry at age 23 - stoked.
I was the very last person to be served. The guy at the door tried to deny me and say they wouldn't have enough food. I proceeded to take out my 1.2 year shredded punchcard and explain that I wouldn't take no for an answer. Last person served, last man made happy.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Mill colour app

Bird watching for breakfast
Session ender?
Fuck it, lets grab them free burritos.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Hit up AZ/LA for some filming, Marty's pro party, and all around good mexican.
Hit the usual spot - pretty shit.
Getting artsy with that sunset - always butters on the west coast.
Tuckered out from chasing marty up and down ditches all day
Mucho Gusto- didn't get a picture of the Guac but it was off the charts. had "jalapeno reduction" on it? red chili pulled pork amongst everything else in this bad boy - side salad, only Marty and I took the whole thing down.
Filiberto's - all you can eat chips and a banging burrito - go with the AZ burrito, add guac and creme.
Shier mate in LA - Jack in full effect as well - at the old in n out.
Double trouble, animal stee.
Siked on the stuff I got for sure, starting to be hyped on the HD shit.
Then got home for a much needed sushi and fried 'screams date!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Short I did to keep busy.

Making Up from Alex Pelletier on Vimeo.

Kate is super into make-up, being as she works at sephora. If i knew half as much about cameras as she knew about makeup, maybe i'd be getting paid to make this short?
Go on over and check it out in HD.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What do I do lately you ask?

I eat all you can eat wings every tuesday with kate and whoever else dares join.

We delve into trying some new recipes.. Balsamic chicken with fresh tomato, basil, and mozz cheese.

I also got a grill and omaha steaks from my pops - except grill blogs soon.

I sit around and buy camera equipment that I don't use.. (employ me):

Manfrotto 055xb sticks with a 501 fluid head - ntg2 rode shotgun mic and dead cat windcutter. Interviews anyone?

How to eat a hot-ass pepper

The Bite

The heat!

Getting hotter!

In the end bro took this one like a champ and foamed white at the mouth only a little bit, hence the reason his video part was so gnarley. Good job bro!